Source code for tsfel.feature_extraction.features

import warnings

import scipy.signal
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf

from tsfel.constants import FEATURES_MIN_SIZE
from tsfel.feature_extraction.features_utils import *

warning_flag = False
warning_msg = (
    "The fractal features will not be calculated and will be replaced with 'nan' because the length of the input signal is smaller than the required minimum of "
    + " data points."

# ############################################# TEMPORAL DOMAIN ##################################################### #

[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def autocorr(signal): """Calculates the first 1/e crossing of the autocorrelation function (ACF). The adjusted ACF is calculated using the `statsmodels.tsa.stattools.acf`. Following the recommendations for long time series (size > 450), we use the FFT convolution. This feature measures the first time lag at which the autocorrelation function drops below 1/e (= 0.3679). Feature computational cost: 2 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which autocorrelation is computed Returns ------- int The first time lag at which the ACF drops below 1/e (= 0.3679). """ n = len(signal) threshold = 0.36787944117144233 # 1 / np.exp(1) # For constant input signals, the ACF remains constant, and the expected values for all lags other than # lag 0 will be zero. We standardize that (1/e) occurs at lag 1. if np.all(signal == signal[0]): return 1 a = acf(signal, adjusted=True, fft=n > 450, nlags=(int(n / 3)))[1:] indices = np.where(a < threshold)[0] first1e_acf = indices[0] + 1 if indices.size > 0 else None return first1e_acf
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def calc_centroid(signal, fs): """Computes the centroid along the time axis. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which centroid is computed fs: int Signal sampling frequency Returns ------- float Temporal centroid """ time = compute_time(signal, fs) energy = np.array(signal) ** 2 t_energy =, np.array(energy)) energy_sum = np.sum(energy) if energy_sum == 0 or t_energy == 0: centroid = 0 else: centroid = t_energy / energy_sum return centroid
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") @set_domain("tag", "emg") def negative_turning(signal): """Computes number of negative turning points of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which minimum number of negative turning points are counted Returns ------- float Number of negative turning points """ diff_sig = np.diff(signal) array_signal = np.arange(len(diff_sig[:-1])) negative_turning_pts = np.where((diff_sig[array_signal] < 0) & (diff_sig[array_signal + 1] > 0))[0] return len(negative_turning_pts)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") @set_domain("tag", "emg") def positive_turning(signal): """Computes number of positive turning points of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which positive turning points are counted Returns ------- float Number of positive turning points """ diff_sig = np.diff(signal) array_signal = np.arange(len(diff_sig[:-1])) positive_turning_pts = np.where((diff_sig[array_signal + 1] < 0) & (diff_sig[array_signal] > 0))[0] return len(positive_turning_pts)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def mean_abs_diff(signal): """Computes mean absolute differences of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which mean absolute deviation is computed Returns ------- float Mean absolute difference result """ return np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(signal)))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def mean_diff(signal): """Computes mean of differences of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which mean of differences is computed Returns ------- float Mean difference result """ return np.mean(np.diff(signal))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def median_abs_diff(signal): """Computes median absolute differences of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which median absolute difference is computed Returns ------- float Median absolute difference result """ return np.median(np.abs(np.diff(signal)))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def median_diff(signal): """Computes median of differences of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which median of differences is computed Returns ------- float Median difference result """ return np.median(np.diff(signal))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def distance(signal): """Computes signal traveled distance. Calculates the total distance traveled by the signal using the hypotenuse between 2 datapoints. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which distance is computed Returns ------- float Signal distance """ diff_sig = np.diff(signal).astype(float) return np.sum([np.sqrt(1 + diff_sig**2)])
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def sum_abs_diff(signal): """Computes sum of absolute differences of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which sum absolute difference is computed Returns ------- float Sum absolute difference result """ return np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(signal)))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") @set_domain("tag", ["audio", "emg"]) def zero_cross(signal): """Computes Zero-crossing rate of the signal. Corresponds to the total number of times that the signal changes from positive to negative or vice versa. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which the zero-crossing rate are computed Returns ------- int Number of times that signal value cross the zero axis """ return len(np.where(np.diff(np.sign(signal)))[0])
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def slope(signal): """Computes the slope of the signal. Slope is computed by fitting a linear equation to the observed data. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which linear equation is computed Returns ------- float Slope """ t = np.linspace(0, len(signal) - 1, len(signal)) return np.polyfit(t, signal, 1)[0]
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def auc(signal, fs): """Computes the area under the curve of the signal computed with trapezoid rule. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which the area under the curve is computed fs : float Sampling Frequency Returns ------- float The area under the curve value """ t = compute_time(signal, fs) return np.sum(0.5 * np.diff(t) * np.abs(np.array(signal[:-1]) + np.array(signal[1:])))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def neighbourhood_peaks(signal, n=10): """Computes the number of peaks from a defined neighbourhood of the signal. Reference: Christ, M., Braun, N., Neuffer, J. and Kempa-Liehr A.W. (2018). Time Series FeatuRe Extraction on basis of Scalable Hypothesis tests (tsfresh -- A Python package). Neurocomputing 307 (2018) 72-77 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which the number of neighbourhood peaks is computed n : int Number of peak's neighbours to the left and to the right Returns ------- int The number of peaks from a defined neighbourhood of the signal """ signal = np.array(signal) subsequence = signal[n:-n] # initial iteration peaks = (subsequence > np.roll(signal, 1)[n:-n]) & (subsequence > np.roll(signal, -1)[n:-n]) for i in np.arange(2, n + 1): peaks &= subsequence > np.roll(signal, i)[n:-n] peaks &= subsequence > np.roll(signal, -i)[n:-n] return np.sum(peaks)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "temporal") def lempel_ziv(signal, threshold=None): """Computes the Lempel-Ziv's (LZ) complexity index, normalized by the signal's length. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal. amp_thres : float, optional Amplitude Threshold for the binarisation. If None, the mean of the signal is used. Returns ------- lz_index : float Lempel-Ziv complexity index """ if threshold is None: threshold = np.mean(signal) binary_signal = (signal > threshold).astype(int) string_binary_signal = "".join(map(str, binary_signal)) lz_index = calc_lempel_ziv_complexity(string_binary_signal) return lz_index
# ############################################ STATISTICAL DOMAIN #################################################### #
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") @set_domain("tag", "audio") def abs_energy(signal): """Computes the absolute energy of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which the area under the curve is computed Returns ------- float Absolute energy """ return np.sum(np.abs(signal) ** 2)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") @set_domain("tag", "audio") def average_power(signal, fs): """Computes the average power of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which average power is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Average power """ time = compute_time(signal, fs) return np.sum(np.array(signal) ** 2) / (time[-1] - time[0])
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") @set_domain("tag", "eeg") def entropy(signal, prob="standard"): """Computes the entropy of the signal using the Shannon Entropy. Description in Article: Regularities Unseen, Randomness Observed: Levels of Entropy Convergence Authors: Crutchfield J. Feldman David Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which entropy is computed prob : string Probability function (kde or gaussian functions are available) Returns ------- float The normalized entropy value """ if prob == "standard": value, counts = np.unique(signal, return_counts=True) p = counts / counts.sum() elif prob == "kde": p = kde(signal) elif prob == "gauss": p = gaussian(signal) if np.sum(p) == 0: return 0.0 # Handling zero probability values p = p[np.where(p != 0)] # If probability all in one value, there is no entropy if np.log2(len(signal)) == 1: return 0.0 elif np.sum(p * np.log2(p)) / np.log2(len(signal)) == 0: return 0.0 else: return -np.sum(p * np.log2(p)) / np.log2(len(signal))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def hist_mode(signal, nbins=10): """Compute the mode of a histogram using a given number of (linearly spaced) bins. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal from which the histogram is computed. nbins : int The number of equal-width bins in the given range, by default 10. Returns ------- float The mode of the histogram (the midpoint of the bin with the highest count). """ hist_values, bin_edges = np.histogram(signal, bins=nbins) max_bin_idx = np.argmax(hist_values) mode_value = (bin_edges[max_bin_idx] + bin_edges[max_bin_idx + 1]) / 2.0 return mode_value
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def interq_range(signal): """Computes interquartile range of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which interquartile range is computed Returns ------- float Interquartile range result """ return np.percentile(signal, 75) - np.percentile(signal, 25)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def kurtosis(signal): """Computes kurtosis of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which kurtosis is computed Returns ------- float Kurtosis result """ return scipy.stats.kurtosis(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def skewness(signal): """Computes skewness of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which skewness is computed Returns ------- int Skewness result """ return scipy.stats.skew(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def calc_max(signal): """Computes the maximum value of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which max is computed Returns ------- float Maximum result """ return np.max(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def calc_min(signal): """Computes the minimum value of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which min is computed Returns ------- float Minimum result """ return np.min(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") @set_domain("tag", "inertial") def calc_mean(signal): """Computes mean value of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which mean is computed. Returns ------- float Mean result """ return np.mean(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def calc_median(signal): """Computes median of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which median is computed Returns ------- float Median result """ return np.median(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def mean_abs_deviation(signal): """Computes mean absolute deviation of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which mean absolute deviation is computed Returns ------- float Mean absolute deviation result """ return np.mean(np.abs(signal - np.mean(signal, axis=0)), axis=0)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def median_abs_deviation(signal): """Computes median absolute deviation of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which median absolute deviation is computed Returns ------- float Mean absolute deviation result """ return scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation(signal, scale=1)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") @set_domain("tag", ["inertial", "emg"]) def rms(signal): """Computes root mean square of the signal. Square root of the arithmetic mean (average) of the squares of the original values. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which root mean square is computed Returns ------- float Root mean square """ return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(signal) ** 2) / len(signal))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def calc_std(signal): """Computes standard deviation (std) of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which std is computed Returns ------- float Standard deviation result """ return np.std(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def calc_var(signal): """Computes variance of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which var is computed Returns ------- float Variance result """ return np.var(signal)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def pk_pk_distance(signal): """Computes the peak to peak distance. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which peak to peak is computed Returns ------- float peak to peak distance """ return np.abs(np.max(signal) - np.min(signal))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def ecdf(signal, d=10): """Computes the values of ECDF (empirical cumulative distribution function) along the time axis. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which ECDF is computed d: integer Number of ECDF values to return Returns ------- float The values of the ECDF along the time axis """ _, y = calc_ecdf(signal) if len(signal) <= d: return tuple(y) else: return tuple(y[:d])
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def ecdf_slope(signal, p_init=0.5, p_end=0.75): """Computes the slope of the ECDF between two percentiles. Possibility to return infinity values. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which ECDF is computed p_init : float Initial percentile p_end : float End percentile Returns ------- float The slope of the ECDF between two percentiles """ signal = np.array(signal) # check if signal is constant if np.sum(np.diff(signal)) == 0: return np.inf else: x_init, x_end = ecdf_percentile(signal, percentile=[p_init, p_end]) return (p_end - p_init) / (x_end - x_init)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def ecdf_percentile(signal, percentile=None): """Computes the percentile value of the ECDF. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which ECDF is computed percentile: list Percentile value to be computed Returns ------- float The input value(s) of the ECDF """ if percentile is None: percentile = [0.2, 0.8] signal = np.array(signal) if isinstance(percentile, str): percentile = safe_eval_string(percentile) if isinstance(percentile, (float, int)): percentile = [percentile] # calculate ecdf x, y = calc_ecdf(signal) if len(percentile) > 1: # check if signal is constant if np.sum(np.diff(signal)) == 0: return tuple(np.repeat(signal[0], len(percentile))) else: return tuple([x[y <= p].max() for p in percentile]) else: # check if signal is constant if np.sum(np.diff(signal)) == 0: return signal[0] else: return x[y <= percentile].max()
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "statistical") def ecdf_percentile_count(signal, percentile=None): """Computes the cumulative sum of samples that are less than the percentile. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which ECDF is computed percentile: list Percentile threshold Returns ------- float The cumulative sum of samples """ if percentile is None: percentile = [0.2, 0.8] signal = np.array(signal) if isinstance(percentile, str): percentile = safe_eval_string(percentile) if isinstance(percentile, (float, int)): percentile = [percentile] # calculate ecdf x, y = calc_ecdf(signal) if len(percentile) > 1: # check if signal is constant if np.sum(np.diff(signal)) == 0: return tuple(np.repeat(signal[0], len(percentile))) else: return tuple([x[y <= p].shape[0] for p in percentile]) else: # check if signal is constant if np.sum(np.diff(signal)) == 0: return signal[0] else: return x[y <= percentile].shape[0]
# ############################################## SPECTRAL DOMAIN ##################################################### #
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_distance(signal, fs): """Computes the signal spectral distance. Distance of the signal's cumulative sum of the FFT elements to the respective linear regression. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral distance is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float spectral distance """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) cum_fmag = np.cumsum(fmag) # Computing the linear regression points_y = np.linspace(0, cum_fmag[-1], len(cum_fmag)) return np.sum(points_y - cum_fmag)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def fundamental_frequency(signal, fs): """Computes fundamental frequency of the signal. The fundamental frequency integer multiple best explain the content of the signal spectrum. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which fundamental frequency is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- f0: float Predominant frequency of the signal """ signal = signal - np.mean(signal) f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) # Finding big peaks, not considering noise peaks with low amplitude bp = scipy.signal.find_peaks(fmag, height=max(fmag) * 0.3)[0] # # Condition for offset removal, since the offset generates a peak at frequency zero bp = bp[bp != 0] if not list(bp): f0 = 0 else: # f0 is the minimum big peak frequency f0 = f[min(bp)] return f0
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def max_power_spectrum(signal, fs): """Computes maximum power spectrum density of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which maximum power spectrum is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- nd-array Max value of the power spectrum density """ if np.std(signal) == 0: return float(max(scipy.signal.welch(signal, fs, nperseg=len(signal))[1])) else: return float(max(scipy.signal.welch(signal / np.std(signal), fs, nperseg=len(signal))[1]))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def max_frequency(signal, fs): """Computes maximum frequency of the signal. Feature computational cost: 2 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which maximum frequency is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float 0.95 of maximum frequency using cumsum """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) cum_fmag = np.cumsum(fmag) try: ind_mag = np.where(cum_fmag > cum_fmag[-1] * 0.95)[0][0] except IndexError: ind_mag = np.argmax(cum_fmag) return f[ind_mag]
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def median_frequency(signal, fs): """Computes median frequency of the signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which median frequency is computed fs: int Sampling frequency Returns ------- f_median : int 0.50 of maximum frequency using cumsum. """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) cum_fmag = np.cumsum(fmag) try: ind_mag = np.where(cum_fmag > cum_fmag[-1] * 0.50)[0][0] except IndexError: ind_mag = np.argmax(cum_fmag) f_median = f[ind_mag] return f_median
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "audio") def spectral_centroid(signal, fs): """Barycenter of the spectrum. Description and formula in Article: The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musicalsignals Authors Peeters G., Giordano B., Misdariis P., McAdams S. Feature computational cost: 2 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral centroid is computed fs: int Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Centroid """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) if not np.sum(fmag): return 0 else: return, fmag / np.sum(fmag))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_decrease(signal, fs): """Represents the amount of decreasing of the spectra amplitude. Description and formula in Article: The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musicalsignals Authors Peeters G., Giordano B., Misdariis P., McAdams S. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral decrease is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral decrease """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) fmag_band = fmag[1:] len_fmag_band = np.arange(2, len(fmag) + 1) # Sum of numerator soma_num = np.sum((fmag_band - fmag[0]) / (len_fmag_band - 1), axis=0) if not np.sum(fmag_band): return 0 else: # Sum of denominator soma_den = 1 / np.sum(fmag_band) # Spectral decrease computing return soma_den * soma_num
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_kurtosis(signal, fs): """Measures the flatness of a distribution around its mean value. Description and formula in Article: The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musicalsignals Authors Peeters G., Giordano B., Misdariis P., McAdams S. Feature computational cost: 2 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral kurtosis is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral Kurtosis """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) if not spectral_spread(signal, fs): return 0 else: spect_kurt = ((f - spectral_centroid(signal, fs)) ** 4) * (fmag / np.sum(fmag)) return np.sum(spect_kurt) / (spectral_spread(signal, fs) ** 4)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_skewness(signal, fs): """Measures the asymmetry of a distribution around its mean value. Description and formula in Article: The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musicalsignals Authors Peeters G., Giordano B., Misdariis P., McAdams S. Feature computational cost: 2 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral skewness is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral Skewness """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) spect_centr = spectral_centroid(signal, fs) if not spectral_spread(signal, fs): return 0 else: skew = ((f - spect_centr) ** 3) * (fmag / np.sum(fmag)) return np.sum(skew) / (spectral_spread(signal, fs) ** 3)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_spread(signal, fs): """Measures the spread of the spectrum around its mean value. Description and formula in Article: The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musicalsignals Authors Peeters G., Giordano B., Misdariis P., McAdams S. Feature computational cost: 2 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral spread is computed. fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral Spread """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) spect_centroid = spectral_centroid(signal, fs) if not np.sum(fmag): return 0 else: return - spect_centroid) ** 2), (fmag / np.sum(fmag))) ** 0.5
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_slope(signal, fs): """Computes the spectral slope. Spectral slope is computed by finding constants m and b of the function aFFT = mf + b, obtained by linear regression of the spectral amplitude. Description and formula in Article: The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musicalsignals Authors Peeters G., Giordano B., Misdariis P., McAdams S. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral slope is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral Slope """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) sum_fmag = fmag.sum() dot_ff = (f * f).sum() sum_f = f.sum() len_f = len(f) if not ([f]) or (sum_fmag == 0): return 0 else: if not (len_f * dot_ff - sum_f**2): return 0 else: num_ = (1 / sum_fmag) * (len_f * np.sum(f * fmag) - sum_f * sum_fmag) denom_ = len_f * dot_ff - sum_f**2 return num_ / denom_
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_variation(signal, fs): """Computes the amount of variation of the spectrum along time. Spectral variation is computed from the normalized cross-correlation between two consecutive amplitude spectra. Description and formula in Article: The Timbre Toolbox: Extracting audio descriptors from musicalsignals Authors Peeters G., Giordano B., Misdariis P., McAdams S. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral variation is computed. fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral Variation """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) sum1 = np.sum(np.array(fmag)[:-1] * np.array(fmag)[1:]) sum2 = np.sum(np.array(fmag)[1:] ** 2) sum3 = np.sum(np.array(fmag)[:-1] ** 2) if not sum2 or not sum3: variation = 1 else: variation = 1 - (sum1 / ((sum2**0.5) * (sum3**0.5))) return variation
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_positive_turning(signal, fs): """Computes number of positive turning points of the fft magnitude signal. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which the number of positive turning points of the fft magnitude are computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Number of positive turning points """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) diff_sig = np.diff(fmag) array_signal = np.arange(len(diff_sig[:-1])) positive_turning_pts = np.where((diff_sig[array_signal + 1] < 0) & (diff_sig[array_signal] > 0))[0] return len(positive_turning_pts)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "audio") def spectral_roll_off(signal, fs): """Computes the spectral roll-off of the signal. The spectral roll-off corresponds to the frequency where 95% of the signal magnitude is contained below of this value. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral roll-off is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral roll-off """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) cum_ff = np.cumsum(fmag) value = 0.95 * (np.sum(fmag)) return f[np.where(cum_ff >= value)[0][0]]
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectral_roll_on(signal, fs): """Computes the spectral roll-on of the signal. The spectral roll-on corresponds to the frequency where 5% of the signal magnitude is contained below of this value. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which spectral roll-on is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Spectral roll-on """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) cum_ff = np.cumsum(fmag) value = 0.05 * (np.sum(fmag)) return f[np.where(cum_ff >= value)[0][0]]
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "inertial") def human_range_energy(signal, fs): """Computes the human range energy ratio. The human range energy ratio is given by the ratio between the energy in frequency 0.6-2.5Hz and the whole energy band. Feature computational cost: 2 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Signal from which human range energy ratio is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Human range energy ratio """ f, fmag = calc_fft(signal, fs) allenergy = np.sum(fmag**2) if allenergy == 0: # For handling the occurrence of Nan values return 0.0 hr_energy = np.sum(fmag[np.argmin(np.abs(0.6 - f)) : np.argmin(np.abs(2.5 - f))] ** 2) ratio = hr_energy / allenergy return ratio
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", ["audio", "emg"]) def mfcc(signal, fs, pre_emphasis=0.97, nfft=512, nfilt=40, num_ceps=12, cep_lifter=22): """Computes the MEL cepstral coefficients. It provides the information about the power in each frequency band. Implementation details and description on: Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which MEL coefficients is computed fs : float Sampling frequency pre_emphasis : float Pre-emphasis coefficient for pre-emphasis filter application nfft : int Number of points of fft nfilt : int Number of filters num_ceps: int Number of cepstral coefficients cep_lifter: int Filter length Returns ------- nd-array MEL cepstral coefficients """ filter_banks = filterbank(signal, fs, pre_emphasis, nfft, nfilt) mel_coeff = scipy.fft.dct(filter_banks, type=2, axis=0, norm="ortho")[1 : (num_ceps + 1)] # Keep 2-13 mel_coeff -= np.mean(mel_coeff, axis=0) + 1e-8 # liftering ncoeff = len(mel_coeff) n = np.arange(ncoeff) lift = 1 + (cep_lifter / 2) * np.sin(np.pi * n / cep_lifter) # cep_lifter = 22 from python_speech_features library mel_coeff *= lift return tuple(mel_coeff)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def power_bandwidth(signal, fs): """Computes power spectrum density bandwidth of the signal. It corresponds to the width of the frequency band in which 95% of its power is located. Description in article: Power Spectrum and Bandwidth Ulf Henriksson, 2003 Translated by Mikael Olofsson, 2005 Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which the power bandwidth computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float Occupied power in bandwidth """ # Computing the power spectrum density if np.std(signal) == 0: freq, power = scipy.signal.welch(signal, fs, nperseg=len(signal)) else: freq, power = scipy.signal.welch(signal / np.std(signal), fs, nperseg=len(signal)) if np.sum(power) == 0: return 0.0 # Computing the lower and upper limits of power bandwidth cum_power = np.cumsum(power) f_lower = freq[np.where(cum_power >= cum_power[-1] * 0.95)[0][0]] cum_power_inv = np.cumsum(power[::-1]) f_upper = freq[np.abs(np.where(cum_power_inv >= cum_power[-1] * 0.95)[0][0] - len(power) + 1)] # Returning the bandwidth in terms of frequency return np.abs(f_upper - f_lower)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") def spectrogram_mean_coeff(signal, fs, bins=32): """Calculates the average power spectral density (PSD) for each frequency throughout the entire signal duration provided by the spectrogram. The values represent the average power spectral density computed on frequency bins. The feature name refers to the frequency bin where the PSD was taken. Each bin is ``fs`` / (``bins`` * 2 - 2) Hz wide. The method relies on the `scipy.signal.spectrogram` and except for ``nperseg`` and ``fs``, all the other parameters are set to its defaults. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : array_like Input from which the spectrogram average power spectral density coefficients are computed. fs : float Sampling frequency of the ``signal``. bins : int, optional The number of frequency bins. Returns ------- nd-array The power spectral density for each frequency bin averaged along the entire signal duration. Notes ----- The optimal number of frequency bins depend on the task at hand. Using a higher number of bins with low sampling frequencies may result in excessive frequency resolution and the loss of valuable coarse-grained information. The default value should be suitable for most cases when working with the default sampling frequency. The number of frequency bins must be modified in the feature configuration file. .. versionadded:: 0.1.7 """ if bins > len(signal) // 2 + 1: bins = len(signal) // 2 + 1 frequencies, _, Sxx = scipy.signal.spectrogram(signal, fs, nperseg=bins * 2 - 2) Sxx_mean = Sxx.mean(1) f_keys = np.round(frequencies, 2).astype(str) return {"names": [f + "Hz" for f in f_keys], "values": Sxx_mean}
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "audio") def lpcc(signal, n_coeff=12): """Computes the linear prediction cepstral coefficients. Implementation details and description in: Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from linear prediction cepstral coefficients are computed n_coeff : int Number of coefficients Returns ------- nd-array Linear prediction cepstral coefficients """ # 12-20 cepstral coefficients are sufficient for speech recognition lpc_coeffs = lpc(signal, n_coeff) if np.sum(lpc_coeffs) == 0: return tuple(np.zeros(len(lpc_coeffs))) # Power spectrum powerspectrum = np.abs(np.fft.fft(lpc_coeffs)) ** 2 lpcc_coeff = np.fft.ifft(np.log(powerspectrum)) return tuple(np.abs(lpcc_coeff))
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "eeg") def spectral_entropy(signal, fs): """Computes the spectral entropy of the signal based on Fourier transform. Feature computational cost: 1 Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which spectral entropy is computed fs : float Sampling frequency Returns ------- float The normalized spectral entropy value """ # Removing DC component sig = signal - np.mean(signal) f, fmag = calc_fft(sig, fs) power = fmag**2 if power.sum() == 0: return 0.0 prob = np.divide(power, power.sum()) prob = prob[prob != 0] # If probability all in one value, there is no entropy if prob.size == 1: return 0.0 return -np.multiply(prob, np.log2(prob)).sum() / np.log2(prob.size)
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "eeg") def wavelet_entropy(signal, fs, wavelet="mexh", max_width=10): """Computes CWT entropy of the signal. Implementation details in: B.F. Yan, A. Miyamoto, E. Bruhwiler, Wavelet transform-based modal parameter identification considering uncertainty Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which CWT is computed fs: int Signal sampling frequency wavelet : string Wavelet to use, defaults to "mexh" which represents the mexican hat wavelet (Ricker wavelet) max_width : int Maximum width to use for transformation, defaults to 10 Returns ------- float wavelet entropy """ if np.sum(signal) == 0: return 0.0 max_width = int(max_width) widths = np.arange(1, max_width) coeffs, _ = continuous_wavelet_transform(signal=signal, fs=fs, wavelet=wavelet, widths=widths) energy_scale = np.sum(np.abs(coeffs), axis=1) t_energy = np.sum(energy_scale) prob = energy_scale / t_energy w_entropy = -np.sum(prob * np.log(prob)) return w_entropy
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", ["eeg", "ecg"]) def wavelet_abs_mean(signal, fs, wavelet="mexh", max_width=10): """Computes CWT absolute mean value of each wavelet scale. Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which CWT is computed fs: int Signal sampling frequency wavelet : string Wavelet to use, defaults to "mexh" which represents the mexican hat wavelet (Ricker wavelet) max_width : int Maximum width to use for transformation, defaults to 10 Returns ------- nd-array CWT absolute mean value """ max_width = int(max_width) widths = np.arange(1, max_width) coeffs, frequencies = continuous_wavelet_transform(signal=signal, fs=fs, wavelet=wavelet, widths=widths) f_keys = np.round(frequencies, 2).astype(str) return {"names": [f + "Hz" for f in f_keys], "values": np.abs(np.mean(coeffs, axis=1))}
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("domain", "eeg") def wavelet_std(signal, fs, wavelet="mexh", max_width=10): """Computes CWT std value of each wavelet scale. Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which CWT is computed fs: int Signal sampling frequency wavelet : string Wavelet to use, defaults to "mexh" which represents the mexican hat wavelet (Ricker wavelet) max_width : int Maximum width to use for transformation, defaults to 10 Returns ------- nd-array CWT std """ max_width = int(max_width) widths = np.arange(1, max_width) coeffs, frequencies = continuous_wavelet_transform(signal=signal, fs=fs, wavelet=wavelet, widths=widths) f_keys = np.round(frequencies, 2).astype(str) return {"names": [f + "Hz" for f in f_keys], "values": np.std(coeffs, axis=1)}
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "eeg") def wavelet_var(signal, fs, wavelet="mexh", max_width=10): """Computes CWT variance value of each wavelet scale. Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which CWT is computed fs: int Signal sampling frequency wavelet : string Wavelet to use, defaults to "mexh" which represents the mexican hat wavelet (Ricker wavelet) max_width : int Maximum width to use for transformation, defaults to 10 Returns ------- nd-array CWT variance """ max_width = int(max_width) widths = np.arange(1, max_width) coeffs, frequencies = continuous_wavelet_transform(signal=signal, fs=fs, wavelet=wavelet, widths=widths) f_keys = np.round(frequencies, 2).astype(str) return {"names": [f + "Hz" for f in f_keys], "values": np.var(coeffs, axis=1)}
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "spectral") @set_domain("tag", "eeg") def wavelet_energy(signal, fs, wavelet="mexh", max_width=10): """Computes CWT energy of each wavelet scale. Implementation details: Parameters ---------- signal : nd-array Input from which CWT is computed fs: int Signal sampling frequency wavelet : string Wavelet to use, defaults to "mexh" which represents the mexican hat wavelet (Ricker wavelet) max_width : int Maximum width to use for transformation, defaults to 10 Returns ------- nd-array CWT energy """ max_width = int(max_width) widths = np.arange(1, max_width) coeffs, frequencies = continuous_wavelet_transform(signal=signal, fs=fs, wavelet=wavelet, widths=widths) f_keys = np.round(frequencies, 2).astype(str) return {"names": [f + "Hz" for f in f_keys], "values": np.sqrt(np.sum(coeffs**2, axis=1) / np.shape(coeffs)[1])}
# ############################################## FRACTAL DOMAIN ##################################################### #
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "fractal") def dfa(signal): """Computes the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) of the signal. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal. Returns ------- alpha_dfa : float Scaling exponent in DFA. """ global warning_flag if np.var(signal) == 0 and np.all(signal == signal[0]): return np.nan n = len(signal) if n < FEATURES_MIN_SIZE: if not warning_flag: warnings.warn(warning_msg, UserWarning) warning_flag = True return np.nan accumulated_signal = np.cumsum(signal - np.mean(signal)) windows = set(np.linspace(4, n // 10, n // 2, dtype=int)) fluct = np.zeros(len(windows)) for idx, window in enumerate(windows): fluct[idx] = np.sqrt(np.mean(calc_rms(accumulated_signal, window) ** 2)) i_plateau = find_plateau(np.log(fluct)) fluct = fluct[0:i_plateau] windows = list(windows)[0:i_plateau] coeffs = np.polyfit(np.log(windows), np.log(fluct), 1) alpha_dfa = coeffs[0] return alpha_dfa
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "fractal") def hurst_exponent(signal): """Computes the Hurst exponent of the signal through the Rescaled range (R/S) analysis. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal. Returns ------- h_exp : float Hurst exponent. """ global warning_flag if np.var(signal) == 0 and np.all(signal == signal[0]): return np.nan n = len(signal) if n < FEATURES_MIN_SIZE: if not warning_flag: warnings.warn(warning_msg, UserWarning) warning_flag = True return np.nan lags = set(np.linspace(4, n // 10, n // 2, dtype=int)) rs = [compute_rs(signal, lag) for lag in lags] n_values = np.array(list(lags))[np.isfinite(rs)] rs = np.array(rs)[np.isfinite(rs)] coeffs = np.polyfit(np.log10(n_values), np.log10(rs), 1) h_exp = coeffs[0] return h_exp
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "fractal") def higuchi_fractal_dimension(signal): """Computes the fractal dimension of a signal using Higuchi's method (HFD). Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal. Returns ------- hfd : float Fractal dimension. """ global warning_flag n = len(signal) if n < FEATURES_MIN_SIZE: if not warning_flag: warnings.warn(warning_msg, UserWarning) warning_flag = True return np.nan k_values, lk = calc_lengths_higuchi(signal) coeffs = np.polyfit(np.log(1 / k_values), np.log(lk), 1) hfd = coeffs[0] return hfd
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "fractal") def maximum_fractal_length(signal): """Computes the Maximum Fractal Length (MFL) of the signal, which is the average length at the smallest scale, measured from the logarithmic plot determining FD. The Higuchi's method is used. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal. Returns ------- mfl : float Maximum Fractal Length. """ global warning_flag n = len(signal) if n < FEATURES_MIN_SIZE: if not warning_flag: warnings.warn(warning_msg, UserWarning) warning_flag = True return np.nan k_values, lk = calc_lengths_higuchi(signal) coeffs = np.polyfit(np.log10(1 / k_values), np.log10(lk), 1) trendpoly = np.poly1d(coeffs) mfl_value = trendpoly(0) return mfl_value
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "fractal") def petrosian_fractal_dimension(signal): """Computes the Petrosian Fractal Dimension of a signal. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal. Returns ------- pfd : float Petrosian Fractal Dimension. """ n = len(signal) diff_signal = np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(signal))) num_sign_changes = np.sum(diff_signal != 0) pfd = np.log10(n) / (np.log10(n) + np.log10(n / (n + 0.4 * num_sign_changes))) return pfd
[docs] @set_domain("domain", "fractal") def mse(signal, m=3, maxscale=None, tolerance=None): """Computes the Multiscale entropy (MSE) of the signal, that performs the entropy analysis over multiple time scales. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray Input signal. m : int Embedding dimension for the sample entropy, defaults to 3. maxscale : int Maximum scale factor, defaults to 1/13 of the length of the input signal. tolerance : float Tolerance value, defaults to 0.2 times the standard deviation of the input signal. Returns ------- mse_area : np.ndarray Normalized area under the MSE curve. """ global warning_flag if np.var(signal) == 0 and np.all(signal == signal[0]): return np.nan n = len(signal) if n < FEATURES_MIN_SIZE: if not warning_flag: warnings.warn(warning_msg, UserWarning) warning_flag = True return np.nan if tolerance is None: tolerance = 0.2 * np.std(signal) if maxscale is None: maxscale = n // (10 + 3) mse_values = np.array([sample_entropy(coarse_graining(signal, i + 1), m, tolerance) for i in np.arange(maxscale)]) mse_values_finite = mse_values[np.isfinite(mse_values)] mse_area = np.trapz(mse_values_finite) / len(mse_values_finite) return mse_area